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I want to tell you a secret - let it be one more gift of mine to you. This secret is so simple that you may misunderstand it. You are right in the midst of your future work ideas. Yes that's right and don't be surprised so much, just look around more carefully. If you live in mountain area you can make the flowers growing on the slopes, you can also make an eagle or a butterfly. Living in steppe area you can weave a grass-hopper, ground squirrel, or just a fluffy grass! But even in case you live in the city you can find a lot of ideas surrounding you! Any flower, animal, twig that appear on your way are the ideas of your work. The ideas that can easily be converted into Miracles! And note that I'm not speaking about dreams and fairy tales yet. There are a great number of ideas there as well!
Do not be afraid to improvise!

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