Esoteric picture of the world.
     (Cycle 1)
     (The brief contents of lectures)
     Lecture 1.
     The subtle world and the hystory of the contemporary civilization: a transition from metaphysics to mechanism. Scientific (by means of various instruments and mathematics) and speculative (extra-sensual) ways of percieving the reality. The nervous system, human organism as tools of cognition the reality. Difficulties appearing in case of a scientific perceiving of the phenomena of the subtle world. The subtle world as a sum of infinitely large number of spaces formed with vibrations of various qualities. The subtle bodies, connection and interaction of a person with the subtle world by means of the subtle body. A physical body as a receiver-transformer of signals from the subtle worlds. Chakras. Psychoenergetic and physiological functions of the major centers. The chakra axis. The aim of meridian- chakra system.
     Lecture 2.
     The concept of the Soul. The process and the causes of its coming into existence. The soul's memory about its previous states, influence of this on the process of its separating from the Unity, the One. Wandering of the soul in the Universe. Formation of selfrealization, of the sense of oneself, of covers, of ego. The concept of reincarnation. The soul starting realizing its separation from the infinity. The concept of the Way as the soul's reverting into its initial condition.
     Questions: difference in states with regard to the soul and its covers; alcoholic intoxication, drugs, as an example of inharmonious way of entrance, of interaction with the subtle world; what happens when suiciding; the value of Kastaneda's books, about David Koperfield and supreme abilities in general; the reason of the reincarnation concept disappearing from Christianity; whether it was necessary to divide Christianity into Orthodoxy and Catholicism.
     Lecture 3.
     What happens to the soul and how in the incarnate state. Emergence of the sense of oneself, the first imprints and covers appearing. The process of retaining and accumulating of information on the soul's covers and chakra system. How this memory effects our thoghts, feelings and actions afterwards. The concept of "cliches". The energetic nature of "cliches", examples of their manifestation. Appearing and transmission of blocks and insertions in the everyday life, their connection with the physiological processes in the organism of a person and of those who are connected with him energetically. The energetic nature of diseases.
     Questions: whether the soul coming into existence is one-time process; how much our fate is predestined; whether it is worth to take offense and to forgive the offenders; about the causes of getting into common and mental diseases hospital after doing yoga independently (without a real teacher).
     Lecture 4.
     The definition of the block, insertion and complex. Variants of coming into existence, manifestation, transmission, intensification and overcoming of complexes. Insertions. Examples of insertions' coming into existence. The definition of ego. Personal and impersonal principle in the Cosmos, the process of the ego coming into existence. A distortion in the perception of the world caused by the ego mechanisms, their abuse of the soul's structures in meeting personal wishes.
     Questions: whether the soul of the dead can get into contact its relatives, the sense of the funeral feast ritual, the factors influencing the after-death well-being in the subtle world; Christian and pre-Christian concept of the hell and paradise; the difference between the spirit and the soul; whether the Way of full purification, to the extend when one could never return into the material world, is possible. The process of teaching taking into consideration the blocks, insertions and complexes coming into existence; hypnoses and teaching by means of influencing the subconsciousness. The ways to interact with people (children) without using (imposing on them) insertions and complexes. The ways to get rid of complexes;the concept of yoga, religion, magic. The attitude towards abortions and their karmic consequences; what Bhakti-yoga is, a religion or yoga.
     Lecture 5.
     The spirit, the Absolute as the principal infinite sturture possesing at one and the same time personal and impersonal principle. Our qualites as imperfect copies of the infinite impersonal states. Consciousness as a form of space. The difference between self-realization and the sense of one-self of the Universe and an individual soul. Self-realization and the sense of one-self, the wish to keep them as the main cause of the separating from the infinity.
    The difficulties in perception-recollection of its initial infinite state. The identification of one-self with one's own manifestations. The reasons why the ego is developed so much in our world. Functions of the ego (support of self-realization, the sense of oneself, of the state - " I am good"). The connection of these states with physical processes in the organism. The energetic nature of conflicts. The physical body as tamas structure; how this quality can be used for the good - for the development of the spirit. The ego as a main obstacle in the spirit development.
     Questions: what, how and why happens when a person, family; what must be done to start getting rid of blocks, insertions and complexes; where our spirit is situated in our body (geometrically); what God and devil is (in general and in modern meaning); what is the Infinity.
     Lecture 6.
     Brief survey of the theme of the ego. More detail description of qualites that manifest themselves through the main centers. The connection of the ego manifestations with svadhisthana, manipura; what can be the cause of sudden death on the energetic and spiritual levels; the connection of conditions and states with the experience of previous lives. The upbringing as a change of the state. The ethics of the upbringing. Example of the right harmonious upbringing in Atlantis.
     Questions: whether there is a real threat of the destruction of the mankind and the Earth in the nearest future; the difference between love (resonance on many levels) and the energetic attraction; the biological nature of the latter. Love as a spiritual phenomenon (in Atlantis); the contemporary notion of love as continuation of the states formed in the Middle Ages and far from normal, natural, spiritual; whether there is Immaculate Conception and what kind of processes are meant by this in the oriental texts.

     Lecture 7.
     What egregores are and how they are formed. Hierarchy , the itneraction inside of egregore and between each other. The ego as the main cause of conflicts, concepts of opposition, the astral wars. How a person may find himself inside of an egregore and what it costs for him. The egregore as a working mode, a data bank. The egregore as a "child disease". How we should live, work, interact in order not to let egregore form. The life, growth and death of egregores. Svadhisthana ego-orientation of egregores. The egregore'fight for existence. The person's growth in terms of the egregore. Leaving the egregore. The advantages and limitations of the egregore development.
     Questions: how to behave in order not to get into an egregore; whether the Good and Love can always defeat the Evil; why all the spirit schools demand the refusal from individuality, the objective reasons of all of them - yoga, Buddhism, religions - being egregoric; about the period when extra-egregore states and ways of development become possible and more right; how Christ managed to rise from the dead; how yoga explains such phenomena as an intrusion and exorcising of an "evil spirit" from a person; about different mechanisms of vision; how to develop it right; what drug-addiction is?
     Lecture 8.
     What karma is in reality and the notion of it in the literature. Example of the education, development and the solution of the karmic knot. How karma works, the degree of its predestination and what it depends on (methods of conducting the courses). What determines the radius of the person's sense of himself, his "cone of perception". Astrology, relative exactness of all the "prognoses". About a collective karma. The karma of egregore, civilizations, the difference between the egregore and cosmic civilization. The superior substance in terms of the wide karmic flow. Upbringing and karma, the upbringing as widening of the sphere of perception.
     Questions: whether reading of Kastaneda's books (and by other authors) can influence the reader in a negative way, how it can be avoided. Ethics and culture of the interaction between people belonging to different egregores; what can bring outside magic influences on our life and what they lead to.
     Lecture 9.
     The interaction of subtle structures. How and why the inhabitans of subtle worlds can and exert influence on the processes that happen in denser ones. Mechanism of thit interaction (the transmission of states downward and upward). Responsibility for the knowledge, actions, thoughts, emotions that we bring into life. What this leads to. Gunas (rajas, tamas, and sattva), their energetic and phychological characteristics. Connection between chakras and manifestations of gunas. Dao (chaos) as one more principle. The ideal state of a person taking into account energetical and spiritual issues. Cosmic and planetary flows. What causes the interchange of Yugas. The ideal development of spirit into different Yugas. Mistakes, which are caused by miscomprehension of these more global processes, and their consequences. Spiritual development into Kali Yuga. About Satya Yuga. How the tamas state can be used for spiritual development.
     Questions: about nursery, domestic and school upbringing; how it must be done to be harmonious; what happens, if a person, who receivs an opportunity to develop spiritually, does not use it (coming energy is used for intensification of the ego); about the state of communication with a small child; about the difference between making somebody acquainted with the norms of the society and imposing him energetic states.

     Lecture 10.
     Hierarchy, formation of hierarchy, how it happens in the spirit. Why the spiritual hierarchies are stable unlike social ones. The laws of harmony. The laws of ethics as voluntarily supported laws of harmony. Planetary spirits. Ethics of relation with the subtle substances.
     What the general plan of the development of mankind is. Mankind as planetary force, the movement towards the unity, a synchronizing and globalizing of processes as the result of the human activity.
     The necessity of reorientation the development of civilization from rajas and tamas to tapas. Mankind as a planetary phenomenon, formation of astral and material layers of the Earth. People are for the Earth or the Earth is for people. The function of Ecologuida. Brief survey of esoteric picture of the world in whole.
     Questions: Nastradamus, the degree of correctness of his predictions, in particular, about the beginning of the WW3 in 1994-1997; what knowledge is necessary to start meditating, the difference between meditation and relaxation; what the spirit and the life in the spirit are; how the spirit growth and the teacher's material plate can be correlated; the difference between human essense (soul) and his individual ego; how space and time correlate when viewed esoterically; why the phenomena of the subtle world cannot be stated by contempory science. Whether Bible denies doing yoga and meditation; why some pastors claim that all this goes from devil. Whether the Earth has the soul; whether it is always that the head of the hierarchy is disincarnate substance. What the memory about previous incarnations and vision of the future depend on. The hierarchy of Light and Darkness; the idea of then fight; about zombies; philosophical and religious notions of God; additions to the issue of the fight.