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Fairy Tales 
of the 
New Millenium


Do you want to get into the Fairy Tale?
    Somewhere far there, where there are may be no at all, is a Country of Eternal Childhood and wonderful, extremely essential Temple of Fairy Tales:
    Sometimes it looks like sugar-house, sometimes like oriental pagoda, sometimes like underwater kingdom: but as a matter of fact it does not matter what it looks like: If you look at it for a long time you don't even try to determine it - your look becomes softer, warmer, and less suspicious:
    You can look at it for long time, but sometime you'll have to enter. Actually you can stay out, you can look at it: but it's needed for something as it exists, isn't it? You can wave the Fairy Tale away saying: "It can't be so!" And Fairy Tale will just shrug its shoulders, as it's true that small Mimsypleegs don't like orange juice so much (they prefer cherry), and the Land of Kings is called Parliament now. But what should Fairy Tale do with it, if it wants to embellish everything? What if it wants to compare sun to truckle, and eyes to diamonds? Fairy Tale doesn't know that it cannot be so!!!
    But if you trust it, if you open your eyes and ears, and just for a moment you allow yourself to dream - it's gonna be difficult to find the fairy tale happier than yours. It will spread its wings and will give you all its vast Heart to the very last piece. Within just blink of an eye the real Fairy tale can make you Wise, Sensitive and Invincible! It can even change your life forever! Especially the Fairy Tales that were not thought out, but the ones which came to the most sensitive and credulous creatures in the world - to kids - in their dreams and reveries.
    Kids became very good friends with Fairy Tale that's why it takes them to its confidence. If you entered the Fairyland, I'm afraid you wouldn't see a lot of venerable and famous tale-tellers - mainly kiddies are running around Kingdoms catapulting the Kings' windows.
    Children wrote all the books that you can read there! Their eyes can see better than the adults' eyes, their souls are more open and plain, that's why adults didn't interrupt kids during interaction with Fairy Tale, and didn't correct them considering shpeling (sometimes even grammar) in order to keep the Fairy Tale alive and fresh.
    If you are ready to contact Fairy Tales and their surprises - go straight up to "Book 1", "Book 2" : pointers. Totally there are nine of them and each book is half-a-year older than the previous one! Even if you are an old spiteful grumbler don't put the Fairy Tale aside at once, there will be a Tale for you as well!
    Here you will not find the whole text of the book, but the dainty slice of it. However in case you want to read the rest, you can do it together with interpreter at Russian site version or you'll have to wait until we translate it for you. (Lost-and-found office notice: Help is missing!)
    This page has one more mysterious button, it's name is "Next Book!" There is a place booked for my new co-creators, especially for kids under 96, as well as for old men and ladies of 6-9. All fairy tales created by kids will be read out of turn. The most genius ones can be even included into the next collection, or at least into Web-site version.
     Have a good trip!
